Mixing Monster Shipping Information

Mixing Monster Shipping Information

1. General Statement

Mixing Monster does not ship any physical products or media. Therefore, the seller does not charge shipping costs at the prices stated, as the services, access licenses, and products offered are made available digitally for download.

2. Delivery And Availability Of Services, Access Licenses And Products


Services, access licenses, and products are delivered/provided exclusively digitally. The seller does not ship any physical products or media. The files and data offered for download are located on servers in Germany.


The end products of the services offered (e.g., processed audio files), access licenses and digital products are provided via an explicit download function (e.g., “download button”). The seller informs the customer about the possibility of using these download functions and any access passwords by email. Downloads or access are generally made on secure customer pages or from the customer account.


Access licenses and digital products the customer purchases can be used/downloaded after creating a customer account.

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